Easter Programs, Easter Plays, Easter Musicals!
Easter Programs, Easter Plays, Easter Musicals!

Easter Play  "Redemption's Promise"

Scroll down for a printable sample of the script or to order.

Believing that the Man, Who calls Himself the Messiah, has come to free his people from Roman Tyranny, sixteen-year old Jason Bar Mecaiah becomes involved in an exciting, dangerous, and soul-searching adventure. By the end of this fast-paced drama, he dicovers the true meaning of "Redemption's Promise."

Approximately 1 & 1/2 - 2 hours performance time depending on intermission.


RP Newest Sample Scenes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [179.1 KB]

Questions? Call Sandi at 207-778-9696 (9AM-9PM EST)

Want just the script? Scroll down for a


(We can only send digital downloads for international orders.)


The Director's Notebook is a reproducible binder with Script, Organizational Forms for the Director, Costume and Set Design, Resources (where to get things cheaply) and Advertising Materials. NO ROYALTY FEES.

"Redemption's Promise" Director's Notebook
49.95 USD

This exciting drama is great for teens!

This program does not contain vocal pieces; the musical selections on this CD are background and transitional music.

"Redemption's Promise CD"
29.95 USD

Background Music

Want to save money and need only the script? Click on the "Add to cart" button below. Your script download will be sent by email within 1 - 2 business days. NO SHIPPING COSTS!

Redemption's Promise Download
20.00 USD

Script only

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